
Are you looking for a committee to join?

SCASN encourages all members to participate in their professional organization by serving on a committee.

SCASN committees are always looking for new members. To begin your active service and participation in SCASN, please contact SCASN.

Continuing Education Committee

Chair: Victoria Ladd

Purpose - To promote and strengthen the knowledge, skills, and personal development of school nurses related to current school nursing practice by making school nurse relevant continuing education available in South Carolina. 

Composition - Be composed of a chairperson, President- Elect, and at least two other members, one of which is the current State School Nurse Consultant. 

Function Provide and/or participate in programs that promote the professional and personal growth of school nurses. The chairperson shall serve on the committees of the annual school nurse conferences. The chairperson will appoint a committee of at least 4 other members and the President-elect to comprise the SCASN Annual Conference Planning Committee. The SCASN Annual Conference Planning Committee will plan and coordinate the SCASN Annual Conference. SCASN Annual Conference Planning Committee will incorporate time in the conference agenda for the SCASN Annual meeting. 

Data Committee

Chair: Victoria Ladd

Purpose - To participate in the collection of data through the NASN initiative as they create a list of standardized data points, definitions, and reporting structures for all school nurses to use. Provide South Carolina specific minimum nursing data set based on school nursing activities to include key metrics that advance policy, describe national outcome measures, and promote predictive analytics to inform best practice.

Composition – Be composed of a chairperson and at least two other members. 

Function – Identify a minimum nursing data set based on school nursing activities to include key metrics that advance policy, describe national outcome measures, and promote predictive analytics to inform best practice. State and local data collection initiatives should be promoted in addition to NASN data point collection. Work with NASN’s data set. The chairperson will be on the SCASN Board of Directors. Collaborate with the State School Nurse Consultant, DHEC, and/or SCDE to ensure that NASN data points are added to relevant state school nurse data collection tools. 

Finance Committee

Chair: Karen Lobitz

Purpose -The Finance Committee oversees the fiscal management of SCASN and prepares the budget.

Composition - It will be composed of a chairperson, treasurer, immediate past treasurer, and at least one other member. All SCASN members are eligible to serve on the Finance Committee. SCASN members having expertise in financial management and/or prior experience with other finance committees will be especially encouraged to serve on the SCASN Finance Committee.

Function - Study fiscal matters of the organization. Recommend the dues schedule Prepare and present a proposed budget, including dues schedule, annually to the Board of Directors by April 01 of each year. Be as active as needed in regard to the financial needs of the organization. Review and update the SCASN Finance Committee Process and SCASN Financial Policies and Procedures documents as needed.

Legislation and Professional Standards Committee

Chair: Amanda Santamaria

Purpose -This committee monitors legislation that impacts school nursing practice, school health services, school health education, and the health and quality of life of children. The committee also works to establish relationships with other organizations who share interest in the health and academic achievement of school students.

The Legislative Committee is technically a SNPAC (School Nurse Program Advisory Committee) Workgroup but that you have to be a SCASN member to be on it because of the possible need for advocacy.

CompositionBe composed of a chairperson and at least two other members.

Function - Work to establish relationships to inform the membership of legislation affecting school health services and school nurses. Monitor and actively participate in the development of legislation relative to school health services, school nursing, as well as the welfare of children. Review school nursing practice issues and make appropriate recommendations. Coordinate the Annual Legislative breakfast

Nominations Committee

Chair: Dawn MacAdams

Purpose - The Nominations Committee develops a slate of eligible candidates to run for SCASN's elected offices. The committee also oversees the election process according to the bylaws.

CompositionThe Nominating Committee is composed of a chairperson, immediate past president, and at least two other members.

Function - Nominate at least one candidate for each office to be filled. Regulate the election, including any preparation for the election and counting of votes. Installation of officers.

Communications Committee

Chair: Melanie Alphin

Purpose - Manages the SCASN website, Newsletter, and Social Media accounts. This committee promotes membership in the organization. 

Composition - Be composed of a Chairperson, Secretary, and at least two other members.

Function -Develop a mechanism to keep the membership informed that will be sent out to the membership at least twice a year. Contact standing committee chairpersons for information that members need to know. Publish information on meeting times and places Provide public relations for the organization. Promote membership in the organization. Perform other such duties as may be assigned by the President. 

Ways and Means Committee

Chair: Amy Wood

Purpose -The Ways and Means committee is responsible for fundraising. 

Composition – The committee is composed of a chairperson and at least two other members. 

Function - The Ways and Means chair is responsible for coordinating Vendors for Summer Conference sponsored by SCASN. This includes mailings, phone calls, accounting duties, and recruitment of new vendors. The chair must also be present at the summer conference or have a designee to coordinate set up and vendor relations. The Ways and Means chair should assist with Membership recruitment and retention because this is a revenue generating activity for SCASN.

Awards Committee

Chair: Dawn MacAdams

Purpose -To annually recognize a South Carolina RN, LPN, Nurse Administrator, and members of the community that show excellence and contribute to the field of school nursing. To nationally recognize South Carolina school nurses by submitting nominations for eligible SCASN RN and Nurse Administrator award winners from the previous year to NASN for their annual affiliate award recognition activities. 

Composition - Be composed of a chairperson, the Immediate Past-President, and two previous award recipients (if available).

Function -Keep Awards Applications updated. Publicize Awards Applications and deadlines. Collect all applications, screen the applicants to meet appropriate criteria, and distribute copies to committee members for scoring. Collect scored applications from all committee members and tabulate award recipients. Notify the recipients and send thank you letters to all other candidates. Procure the awards/trophy to be given to winners. Assist in preparing Award Presentation at the SCASN Summer Conference.